Sunday, January 1, 2012

Seriously Social: New Year's Eve Gig In Dublin

Presenters Aidan and Michele with Bressie and Riverdance stars

It's safe to say that the biggest New Year's Eve party took place on College Green in Dublin last night.

Hosts Michele McGrath and Aidan Power presented the gig which saw Bresssie, The Coronas, Paul Brady, Damien Dempsey and the stars of Riverdance perform.

Check out all the pics from the concert as well as the afterparty which took place in Bucks Townhouse.

Presenter Michele McGrath with the stars of Riverdance
Bressie performing on stage
Bressie performing on stage
Model Lynn Kelly at Bucks
Model Hayley Ryan at Bucks
Bressie and Michele at Bucks

All Pics Via Patrick O'Leary