Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kanye West Compares Himself To Hitler

"I'm Hitler Y'all"
Note to Kanye West, if you are trying to get the public back on your side again, I wouldn't compare yourself to the most evil man ever to walk this earth!

Yes the rapper, who is known for his outrageous outbursts, told British fans that sometimes he thinks people view him as Hitler.

Taking to the stage at England's Big Chill Festival, where he was the closing act, Kanye decided to tell the crowds how he felt:
"I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I'm ... insane, like I'm Hitler. One day the light will shine through, and one day people will understand everything I ever did."
Boo hoo Kanye, get over it, no one cares!