Friday, April 1, 2011

Cameron Diaz Says Justin Timberlake Is "A Genius Comedian"

Totally "just friends" on set!

Someone's still very fond of their ex!

Cameron Diaz has said that she chose to work with Justin Timberlake for the upcoming movie 'Bad Teacher' because he was perfect for the job. Even though the two were in a relationship for three years, Cameron says working with him everyday wasn't a big deal:
"[It] really wasn't a big deal. We had a great time. Justin and I have always had a good laugh together, and to make a movie where we get to have a laugh together... There really was no-one else who was more perfect for this part. That's why he got the part."

The 38-year-old couldn't stop gushing about the singer-turned-actors talent, saying he is a genius:
"He's a genius comedian, everybody knows. Saturday Night Live and all the stuff that he's done over the years, he's clearly talented. We went for the best person for the job, and it just so happened that it was him. And he delivers."
I wonder how Cameron's boyfriend A-Rod and Justin's ex Jessica Biel felt about them working together?